Festival Information

The general outline of a weekend at Longleaf Film Festival includes a Friday afternoon film block followed by a ticketed public reception for filmmakers and friends, and then our outdoor Movies-N-Moonlight screening block. On Saturday, films are screened in several locations of the museum, plus we have workshops and panels. The evening concludes with our annual awards presentation and an off-site “Wrap Party” at a nearby pub. And, we always have popcorn—fresh, of course!

Check back here—at LongleafFilmFestival.com—for more information about our 2024 festival, and occasional upcoming events, along with other news you can use for the festival.

And, rest assured:

  • Longleaf is #FREE to attend;
  • Longleaf popcorn is #FREE to eat; and
  • Longleaf shows films on multiple screens—do you know how many choices that is?

Remember to join our conversations about all things Longleaf:


Let everyone know you’re coming to Longleaf!